To see individuals live their full potential in intimate relationships and families in a society that is free from gender based violence.

To advance a coordinated, multi sectoral, culturally competent restorative justice response to violence against women and children by:
- Being a resource to religious leaders, institutions and faith communities as they hold offenders accountable and ensure the safety and empowerment of victims/survivors by offering opportunity for truth telling and healing of individuals and families.
- To challenge, from a theological perspective, patriarchal traditions and other root causes of intimate partner abuse and violence that destroys the dignity of women, children and men, and
- To encourage the promotion of scriptural and the theological teachings that encourage intimate relationships that set people free to live their full potential in supportive unions

- Faith and family
- Respect and human dignity
- Compassion and Ubuntu
- Collaboration and partnership
- Conversation and dialogue
- Listening and learning
The World we Work in
of South African Women are in Abusive Relationships.
of the South African population affiliate with a religion.
In this context it makes sense that in South Africa abused women often turn to their religious leaders for counselling and assistance. SAFFI’s research shows that very few religious leaders have received training and support to respond effectively to survivors/victims, perpetrators and afflicted families in these cases.
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Elizabeth Petersen, the Director of SAFFI, and Religious Leaders share their views on the abuse of women and children.
Dr Oliver Williams of University of Minnesota on launch of Men Affirming Dignity project
Dr Oliver Williams from the University of Minnesota and co-founder of AADPP and Will to Change in the USA said he was pleased to see interventions associated with healing relationships between women and men continue; and to see the partnership between faith communities and the Men Affirming Dignity project, led by SAFFI. It is important to be able
to address the issue of oppression of women that continues within South Africa; and he is impressed with the unique way that Elizabeth Hoorn Petersen and SAFFI have done this, in including communities and faith communities to deal the humanity of men and the institutionalised oppression of women and of black people. He expressed his happiness with
the partnership between SAFFI in South Africa and the African-American Domestic Peace Project and Will to Change in the USA. -
Dr Patricia Davenport of AADPP on launch of Men Affirming Dignity project
Dr Patricia Davenport of the African-American Domestic Peace Project (AADPP), a national organisation that provides consulting work across the USA to faith-based leaders and the secular community, working with survivors of domestic violence. She spoke about the honour of working in partnership with SAFFI and expressed excitement about the two
organisations working together in the future. She congratulated SAFFI on the launch of the Men Affirming Dignity project. -
Honourable Deputy Minister Alice Howard of Liberia on the launch of Men Affirming Dignity project
The Honourable Alice Johnson Howard, Deputy Minister, Minister of Gender, Children & Social Protection, Republic of Liberia invited all to join the South African Faith & Family Institute as the organisation strives to make it possible for all inhabitants of Africa to recognise that violence against women and children is not only a serious crime but is unacceptable. She reiterated that we all have the responsibility to defeat the menace of
gender-based violence and expressed admiration that SAFFI in making itself a credible resource of hope, healing and transformation in South African society; particularly working as it does with religious organisations. -
Honourable Dr Rosana Schaack of Liberia speaks on launch of Men Affirming Dignity project
The Honourable Dr Rosana Schaack, Chairperson of the Women’s Legislature Caucus and Chairperson of the Committee on Gender, Equity, Children and Social Protection – House of Representatives, Republic of Liberia – expressed her support of SAFFI’s Men Affirming
Dignity initiative launch. Combatting gender-based violence has been a passion throughout her career and she is excited about the collaboration between the two countries as both heal relationships between women and men. She expressed her regret that she could not be at the launch in person, due to official duties. -
Tamara Mathebula of Commision for Gender Equality South Africa on Men Affirming Dignity launch
Commissioner Tamara Mathebula is Chairperson of the Commission for Gender Equality, one of the Chapter 9 institutions that has the mandate to promote gender equality in South Africa. Commissioner Mathebula expressed her support for the Men Affirming Dignity launch. She is also of the conviction that the involvement of men and boys is critical in
dismantling unequal power and achieving gender equality in South Africa and in all such efforts around the world. -
Nicky Le Roux of Ford Foundation message at the launch of Men Affirming Dignity project
Nicky Le Roux, Ford Foundation's Regional Programme Officer: Gender, Racial and Ethnic Justice, Southern Africa congratulates the South African Faith & Family Institute (SAFFI) on the critical Men Affirming Dignity initiative – work that is rooted in a strong decolonial feminist politic. SAFFI’s work has enriched the Ford Foundation’s work in its quest to end gender-based violence; and to
challenge the stereotypical notions that uphold oppression. The MAD exhibition brings
healing and love to gender relations.
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